We are the natural link between producers and their customers of raw materials all around the world
Our business

Our producers refine spruce and pine from the Swedish forest
Nordlignum's office in Umeå acts as an intermediary and has close contact with sawmills around Sweden
With the help of Nordprotekt and other carriers, the raw material is sent out to customers all over the world
About us
Scandinavia has long been known for producing sawn wood products of the highest quality and
Nordlignum has for many years served as the natural link between producers and its customers worldwide. With the help of excellent raw materials from our producers, Nordlignum continues to grow strongly, while the demand for Swedish densely grown timber, via pine and spruce, is constantly increasing.
Despite short-term variations in the forest's growth rate, we can increase our exports without jeopardizing future needs and contribute to a sustainable climate transition using the forest as a tool.

Magnus Sundström, CEO
+46 70-697 54 00